Amplifiez votre succès grâce a vos fans.
Publiez de la musique, des BD ou des livres
Vendez et gagnez 80% pour chaque vente directe
Vos fans revendent vos oeuvres à leurs amis
Gagnez 40% pour chaque vente indirect
Choisir Kypsel
Kypsel vous permet de publier vos oeuvres gratuitement et de les vendre. C'est une solution équitable pour les créateurs et leurs fans. L'objectif de Kypsel est de libérer le contenu de ses bornes, lui permettre de se propager entre passionnés tout en luttant contre le piratage.
- Publiez et vendez en ligne en quelques clicks
- Aucune exclusivité requise
- Aucune limitation artistique ou créative
- Définissez votre propre prix
- Entrez en contact directement avec vos fans
- Amplifiez votre succès
- Retirez vos gains à tout moment
Anthony Saade
"It was never so easy to publish and sell my tracks."
Manfred Samburg
"I was positively surprised with the ease and simplicity to upload and publish my work. In just a few clicks I was able to share the link with my friends and network and start earning quickly some money to cash-out. This efficient self-publishing solution, motivates me to work on new stories and grow my fan base."
Natasha Piers
"I made more money on Kypsel than on any other publishing platform."
Victoria Preston
"As an author, I struggled to get my work published. With Kypsel, I was able to easily get my work out there. It’s great!"
Sophie N
Music Lover
"It is fun to feel as part of the growth and success of an artist. I am actively contributing to the success of the artists I like and also getting some extra money aside."
Gary M
Book Lover
"I buy and read a lot of e.books, and when I find something I like, I usually share the book file with my family and friends so they can read it too. Now with Kypsel, I am more inclined to encourage people around me to buy a book I liked, and the referral mechanism is so simple."
Marcel Kampbell
"Thank you for making self-publishing easy."